Dependable Industries Vinyl Outside Window Unit AC Air Conditioner Cover wi
商品名Dependable Industries Vinyl Outside Window Unit AC Air Conditioner Cover with Straps Keep Dirt and Dust Out in The Off Season (Silver - 21.5 x 15 x 16)ブランド名商品コメントWINDOW UNIT AIR CONDITIONER COVER - Vinyl Cover to fit over your AC in the off season keeping dust and dirt out of the unitbrHELPS PREVENT COLD AIR from entering the home - prevents heat loss at the same time saves you money on heating costsbrELASTIC STRAPS allows adjustment for a tight and custom fit - PLEASE MEASURE YOUR UNIT BEFORE PURCHASINGbrDURABLE Crack Resistant Heavy polyurethane reinforced vinyl material - Protects window-style air conditioners from dirt and debris in the off season while in the windowbrTO BE USED WHEN AIR CONDITIONER IS NOT IN USE - Make sure cover is off when turning on unit
商品名Dependable Industries Vinyl Outside Window Unit AC Air Conditioner Cover with Straps Keep Dirt and Dust Out in The Off Season (Silver - 21.5 x 15 x 16)ブランド名商品コメントWINDOW UNIT AIR CONDITIONER COVER - Vinyl Cover to fit over your AC in the off season keeping dust and dirt out of the unitbrHELPS PREVENT COLD AIR from entering the home - prevents heat loss at the same time saves you money on heating costsbrELASTIC STRAPS allows adjustment for a tight and custom fit - PLEASE MEASURE YOUR UNIT BEFORE PURCHASINGbrDURABLE Crack Resistant Heavy polyurethane reinforced vinyl material - Protects window-style air conditioners from dirt and debris in the off season while in the windowbrTO BE USED WHEN AIR CONDITIONER IS NOT IN USE - Make sure cover is off when turning on unit税関で開封される可能性がございます